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Neuronal arborizations, spatial innervation, and emergent network connectivity

Van Pelt, J., Uylings, H. B. M., and Van Ooyen, A. (2014). In: Cuntz, H., Remme, M. W. H., and Torben-Nielsen, B., eds. The Computing Dendrite. New York: Springer, pp. 61-78. [Full text: PDF]


Neurons innervate space by their axonal and dendritic arborizations. Synapses can form when axons and dendrites are in close proximity. The geometry of neurons and their numerical densities in space are thus primary factors in the formation of synaptic connectivity of neuronal networks. A simulator of neuronal morphology based on principles of neural development (NETMORPH) has been used to show that realistic network connectivities emerge from realistic neuronal morphologies and simple proximity-based synapse formation rules.

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